Сообщения пользователя dabithhc. Поиск. StockSharp

сен 17, 2021 - Hi me again, I encountered exception in Ecng.Reflection.dll here is the sample code: static void Main(string args) { var path = @"C:\blabla\Storage"; var storageRegistry = new StorageRegistry { Defaul...

фев 27, 2021 - Hello, may I ask you which adapter do you want to create? It is just a domestic broker I used to trade stocks

фев 24, 2021 - Hi, the dll has to begin with Stocksharp.* //Patrick Thanks, it works!

фев 23, 2021 - Hi, I try to configure my custom created connector by using ConnectorWindow in StockSharp.Xaml. But I cannot find it in the list of connectors. I put my dll in the same folder as exe and I also added ...