🌐 Hello, Hola, 你好, שלום! Our Products are Now Available in 37 Languages! 🌍

🌐 Hello, Hola, 你好, שלום! Our Products are Now Available in 37 Languages! 🌍


We are excited to announce that our products now support 37 languages, making them more accessible to users around the world. This step is aimed at making our tools widely accessible and user-friendly, regardless of where you are or what language you speak.

Join Us in Improving Translations!

We invite the community to actively participate in improving and refining translations. If you notice inaccuracies or have suggestions for enhancements, please visit our GitHub Localization.Langs repository. Your contributions will help make our products even more friendly and understandable for users globally.

Special Announcement for Our Chinese Users:

We've launched a dedicated playlist for the Designer in Chinese to make learning and usage easier for our Chinese-speaking users. Check out the videos on our YouTube playlist!

Let's Expand Our Horizons Together!

We believe that by working together, we can create the perfect platform for everyone. Share our innovations on your local forums, chats, and websites. Your support will help attract new users and showcase the potential of our products.

Our Promise to the Community:

We promise to keep improving our software and to continue enhancing its features. The more active the community, the better our products will be. Your feedback and suggestions are extremely important to us!

Thank you for your activity and support. Together, we will make our platform the perfect tool for traders worldwide!



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