Сообщения пользователя Hola1212. Поиск. StockSharp

окт 26, 2016 - Great! Also, will this new version allow a Strategy to trade any Option of an Asset without me having to add a Security block for each Option? For example, lets assume I want my Strategy to scan 100 d...

окт 25, 2016 - Sounds great! Is there an estimate of when the new version will be released?

окт 14, 2016 - Thanks Yuri. I Installed the new version and was able to run an optimization that included 10 tests. However, when I tried to run an Optimization that included 100 tests S#. Designer stopped running w...

окт 12, 2016 - Thanks Yury. Steps 1-3 worked fine, however i could not get step 4 to work. In step 4 I pressed the "start" button to begin the backtest, but that backtest never ended and the chart stayed blank. Atta...

окт 6, 2016 - Both. Note: I'm especially hoping the mentioned "OptionDesk" graphics will be able to display the historical Options data I have saved in Hydra (rather then just being able to display live Options dat...

окт 5, 2016 - Hi Mikhail, here are some more specific examples of what I'm looking to do in S#.Designer regarding Options trading. 1. Calculate Option Greeks (without having to write code). 2. Graphically view ever...

окт 1, 2016 - Hello everyone, How does one do Brute Force Optimization in S#.Designer? I can't seem to find any buttons/info related to it when I look through S#.Designer's GUI. Thanks

окт 1, 2016 - Overall, I'm looking for the same Options Trading/Graphic features that are available when using the S#.API to be available when using S#.Designer. I guess this is sort of a broad answer, so I'll leav...

сен 30, 2016 - Hello everyone, Is it possible to calculate Option Greeks in S#.Designer? I ask because I added an "Indicator" block and scrolled through the indicators available, but did not see any Options related ...

сен 29, 2016 - Great! 1. Does your Brute Force Optimizer fill orders using the same logic (mentioned in item #1) as your Backtesting engine? 2. Does your Backtester/Optimizer work the exact same way when backtesting...

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