Want to join our team? We are ready to cooperate!

Good day, Friends!

Most recently, we have posted the source codes of our FIX and crypto connector so that you can learn their architecture, understand our approach, and start creating your OWN based on them.

We didn't stop there and opened the possibility to use the Plaza2 Cgate connector on the demo polygon for free and without a license. We hope that some of you have already experienced it and appreciate the advantages of direct connection!

Now we want to go further and offer you the opportunity to work and develop in our team!


If you are a programmer and are ready to work and collaborate with to help us develop and promote the platform, then we are waiting for your resume on info@stocksharp.com.
Perhaps you will become one of the creators of new unique products based on the S#. API, add new features and unique functionality that users need!

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