Global feedback!

Dear friends,
We have updated all of our products, starting with S#.Designer, ending with S#.API.
Of course, the major point of this updates the long-awaited first release of S#.Designer. For a long time this product was beta testing, and today we can say that this is our release!

We invite all of you to try new versions of the products. And especially products that you have not used yet or used previously for a relatively long time
We want to receive feedback from you, starting from the errors you found (regardless of product, API, Terminal - any), and ending with the proposal for improvement.

All requests from all customers are accepted. For this period even from customers without a subscription to technical support.
We created a special chat in the telegrams - @StockSharpChatEn. Chat us directly and send your comments and suggestions.
Big favor. Given that we do not have much free time (and you don't have, of course), send your comments as much detailed as possible. Screenshots, videos, texts, logs. Better - if all this is in one package at a time.


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