S#.Shell. The best conditions for upgrade!


Hello all!

Last week we have announced the latest version of S#.Shell!
We would like to remind that the new S#.Shell supports schemas, created into another our popular program S#.Designer, and execute strategies into simple and fast S#.Shell is very easy!!!
Also, S#.Shell, as our other products, support all connectors of StockSharp platform: stocks and futures, options and yes cryptocurrencies!!!

Today, the promo for everybody can experience the possibilities of an updated framework in practice, we introduce special conditions for the upgrades:
Only until end of this week, you can get S#.Shell with all features and full source code.

  • with a discount in 20%. Get it now for 390$ only!
  • if you are participant of our crowdfunding campaigns, then your personal discount is 30%. Only 340$!
  • and if you are the bought our training, then the conditions are very tempting, the discount is 40%. If your are from this group then write us at lesson@stocksharp.com for personal payment link!


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