New crypto algorithms

Hello, dear friend!

As you already know, we launched the second stage of crowdfunding for the crypto connectors on March 1st. This time, we did everything in a new way, including with regard to algorithms.

We will now provide algorithms without black boxes. All participants will be given strategies with source codes. To be the best in the market, unique settings are required for algorithms. Sometimes this is not possible without changing the code. We will be fully open to the supplied automation.

In this article, we describe the algorithms set up especially for you. This is our technical assignment. We specifically provide complete information BEFORE you choose to participate.

Synthetic arbitrage


This idea is similar to our main crypto robot, Edward. Synthetic arbitrage is built on a long combination of BTC/ETH/LTC//ETH/BTC. Connectors to exchanges, where there are similar coins, are set for the strategy, and then it independently chooses the convergence-divergence on the found pairs to track the arbitrage situation.

Edward-Crypto News
For those who use Edward-Crypto (напиши нам по указанным ниже контактам, если хочешь получить и эту стратегию). За счет значительно продвинутой модели торговли у существующего Эдварда, для него синтетический арбитраж будет возможен с опцией автопоиска нужных пар. Н(write to us at the contacts specified below if you want to get this strategy). Due to the significantly advanced trade model of the existing Edward, synthetic arbitrage will be possible for it with the option of auto-searching for the necessary pairs. For example, BTC/*/LTC/*/LTC/ETH/BTС. The program will automatically select an effective coin as pairs to search for arbitrage divergence. This option will be available only to users of Edward-Crypto!

Pump detector


This is a special automation, tracking the growth of cheap coins with cosmic returns in a few hours. The robot can either monitor and generate a signal or actively enter the position and exit it after a certain movement to take profit. The robot will track all coins on all available connections. Of course, we are talking about very cheap alts, where you can increase your deposits 10 times a day. The main advantage of the algorithm is to get out in time, but the robot, of course, will be faster than our hands.



It's very simple - the transfer of money from one exchange to another by the robot. Auto selection of the cheapest coin for transferring, for example, BTC positions through intermediate conversion to cheaper cryptocurrency, i.e. Vertcoin, Ripple, etc.

The key point behind all of the strategies being developed is modularity! All of our strategies are run in unlimited quantities within the same program. Edward-Crypto will also act with new strategies, all in one bundle. The Converter will work, for example, in a pair with arbitrage strategies, watching for an increase in positions on certain exchanges.

We hope that this ambitious change in the second round will be even more interesting for you!

Have any questions? E-mail us at and we will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Do not put off the decision, just now one algorithm can be obtained for only 1000$, then the minimum investment will be doubled!!!

Are you ready?

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