Сообщения пользователя MerlinBrasil. Поиск. StockSharp

дек 19, 2020 - Thanks Cam Zhao :) I skipped step 1 and 6. I suspect the Step 5 was the culprit. I cleared all except the credentials.xml (which has my UID and PW to be able to autolog in during the install.bat proce...

дек 18, 2020 - Thanks but, sadly, NOT FIXED ;) I did a clean install from a fresh download of your zip file just now. I then added a PAUSE statement at the end of your BAT file. The result, I was able to capture, at...

дек 17, 2020 - Hi, Looks like somebody put in a ton of work on this automated installer. Much appreciated! Significant problem here, though. First, running latest Windows 10, I don't have an Unblock choice. Doesn't ...

мар 16, 2017 - Hope the attached logs helps. I appreciate the attention to this

мар 13, 2017 - Hi, At the bottom line of S#.Data (Hydra) - release 4.3.22 I'm getting an error message which begins with: 11:09:43 System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: Could not connect to net.tcp://localh...