Сообщения пользователя Юрий Басангов. Поиск. StockSharp

окт 29, 2020 - I can help

окт 27, 2020 - We are StockSharp LP (“StockSharp”) incorporated in the UK under company number NL703. These are our terms and conditions according to marketplace services. They tell you what we do and how we do it. ...

окт 23, 2020 - Работа выполнена

окт 23, 2020 - Начал работу

окт 23, 2020 - Let's try again

окт 23, 2020 - Работа выполнена

окт 23, 2020 - Начал работу

окт 23, 2020 - I can help

окт 12, 2020 - Description: The name of this trading robot already speaks for itself. The concept of the trading algorithm of this robot is just in transfer your money from one exchange to another. However, there're...

окт 12, 2020 - Description The trading algorithm of this robot follow the idea of synthetic arbitrage, which is based on long combination of crypto coins, in our case is BTC/ETH/LTC//ETH/BTC. In other words, synthet...

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